animal-drawn vehicles were banned from central belgrade long ago, at a point in time when belgrade became the great metropolis that it is today. or is it? we do have our silicone valley (not a spelling error) - a stretch of fancy cafes in what used to be a very quiet residential street when i was growing up - but then there is the other side, that what exists when no one is looking.
perhaps it is symbolic that i'm sitting here, on the upper floor of the cafe, like these other "busy/working people", looking down on those passing by (SUVs as well as carts). i am sitting online, wireless, sipping coffee and mineral water with lime, camera next to me, finishing work on a friday afternoon. but then they passed by. it's a little reality check. my link is slower than what most people in the west would ever consider "fast internet", but on the other hand - i'm looking at a 1 hp vehicle passing by, and performing what i consider a progressive task. it is the roma (gypsie or whatever they would like to be called - makes no difference to me) people that are the recyclers in our society. some people would consider them the local equivalent of the untouchables. disrespect. but these guys aren't even using fossil fuel. respect. total respect.
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