maybe its the tone of my voice, or the color of my hair, or its some deep-rooted psychological thing. i have a fading voice - it doesn't get through. maybe i just never shift it into second gear. and then things don't get heard. maybe its the fact that i don't eat breakfast. so i sometimes opt to write. maybe i just don't know how to articulate in
real time. and then i hope that someone will find my writing interesting. maybe i don't have anything interesting to say. i guess you are here, having fun? maybe i mess up the joke before i get to the punchline. no point in trying to make a point when there's no one to listen. maybe i take things to seriously. yet there's always the mental challenge, the inner one. maybe
it's my choice of form is foolish. but then you can always leave a
treasure chest for your kid (stolen idea). maybe i am foolish.
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