getting things sorted, and then days of preparation and anticipation. on the road. i studied my geography (the same one that i evaded at all cost in high school), inspected by bike, tested my telecommunications - and then GO!
it's the third day now. just pedaling. just getting to the next point. learning about where my ancestors came from. learning about layers of culture from the way that roads are and were built, to architecture and contemporary views. and how to tackle mountains. (surprise answer - brandy and self-doubt!)
it's all subtle impressions, layer upon layer, kilometer after kilometer. so difficult to put into words. it includes the sound of birds singing, the cherry tree blossoms, the weight of the bike and the fatigue of my legs, the perseverance that gets you where everyone thinks it can't be done, and the exhilaration of going down the other side of the hill. i thought i could.
and that is just the abstract. some things were never meant to be put into words. some things have to be experienced. dancing about architecture...
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