feelings that cannot be described. the perfection of balance. erotica.
the breathing rhythm 30 kilometers into the marathon, the recoil of the yo-yo, slicing dried meat with a very sharp knife, leaning into the curve on a monoski throwing spray meters into the air, holding a long note singing, that point when the photo shot achieves equilibrium, spinning in the english waltz, achieving simultaneous organisms, pulling back the bowstring, falling and being caught by bungee cord, feeling the keyboard springs when speed-typing, slow restrained breathing, speeding through a muddy puddle in the forest, thick honey dripping from the fingers, deep snow snowboarding through pines, a drop of sweat rolling down your back, turning the rudder into the waves, the resistance of the rope when ringing a heavy church bell, opening a can of tennis balls, watching the sun set beyond the horizon, the stretched step of running, rowing, blowing up a balloon, skindiving, skidding both bike wheels in the snow, hiking with a good pack on your back, focused muscle-relaxing in bed after a tough day.
slow breathing.
(this is still but a glance of the world)
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