there was once a time when this sight would excite me. i've been sitting right next to it for the past hour with absolutely no need to open the box...
it's just part of the job. the job robbed me of the boyhood pleasure of "playing on the computer", my mother used to call it. there was something about the process of making something work, watching it tick, getting it to do more... i remember the first time i got a new computer and my first idea was not to get the latest game running. that was 6-7 years ago and even back then my primary problem was how to get an entirely new computer running without having to reinstall the system - in other words how get something new but have it working (at least) like the old one. the last time i got a computer it took me a month to finally move out of my old one.
so now i'm wondering what this new guy is like... i know that he's just the bigger younger brother of this one - and with hipper tattoos... but the agony training him, getting everything set up the way i like it - the way that maximizes my speed and facilitates my communication - that's something i'm not at all looking forward to... but i need the security of a new computer, the knowledge that it will not give me the problems that have started to become a common thing on the old one.
i've grown up in some ways... not in others.
... but so has the world... or changed at least. the box had been opened by the us department of homeland security, as was the fudge brownie mix. makes me feel and think that we'reso much more secure.
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