Saturday, April 26, 2008

as the rain falls...

... on a day before (an) easter, i once again pause to think about how much i miss people, meaningful conversation, how much work and solitude have become my life (at least for the moment), how much i miss people i haven't spoken to in months, others i haven't really seen since last summer... and i ask myself - is it all really worth it? no. it isn't.
here's to you, dear friend. i'm looking forward so seeing you sooner, rather than later...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

going and going...

sometimes you sit still... you sit still and imagine places. the places i imagine i've seen from above... i've flow over them and found the gaps in civilization... i have found the green patches where few have been and fewer venture... i long for them.

i've been sitting in my armchair all day, eating oranges with the television on. stories of other people's lives going by... interpretations, excerpts, spins, cultures, intimacy... all those are memories that i recall as being once part of daily life, presently replaced by keyboards, screens, dictionaries and a lot, a lot of internet. even now, as i sit in the semi-darkness, i am still only looking out of Windows into the world.

and longing today even for a ride down the street, round the corner, beneath the railroad tracks, up the river and away... into the green.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

looking in the window...

looking out onto the road. longing for the asphalt, the wind and the miles. breathing slowly, heart still pounding... just longing... longing so much... for this road.