Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wanting to know how your book ends

Following reason and rules, believing, doing the right thing... and not knowing.
Yet another attempt at scoring the Goal. Got even closer this time. Past the defense and the goalie. And nothing. The wind kicked up, and swept the ball away. Back to the starting point.
A pat on the back and a better-luck-next-time...
How many next times can there be? Even with going into overtime?

The crowd goes ahhh... and life goes on.

Its time for a timeout. Regrouping. Then another attack on the goal and the championship.

No giving up. Never.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The wakeup call

EU integration,
Public media,
Public finances,
Tobacco industry,
Tax & excise policy,
PR & advertising,
Film industry,
Refugee crisis,
Hotel industry,
Tourism, and

This is the sum of the topic covered in translations that did in one 24-hour period. This is what life has become - getting high on work-related numbers and lists, while the soul dwindles.
Time for change...

Friday, April 12, 2013

a day in the life...

dawn. wake up, get up, walk animal(s), feed animals, turn on computer, make coffee, sit down at computer...
it's just another workday.
so i warm up with a little press clipping for a corporate client. i could skip coffee, but i can't start working without this warm-up. facebook also helps pass the time. when i finish that i get down to real stuff.
these days's it's been a friend's father's memoirs. the serb uprising against the fascist croatian puppet-state in the second world war. i finished it last night, but it's been a hell of a trip the past three months. the guy's got a good sense of humor, and even though he's talking about various killings (some that he witnessed first-hand) it isn't a difficult read. but his language is complicated. we're temporally, geographically, linguistically, and educationally distant. it was a good challenge. and it was nice to exchange comments (mainly linguistic) with a 90+ year old by email.
but i spent three months in someone else's head. and it can be tiring. to consider the person's life experience, everything possible i could learn about them and the place/time that they describe, to make educated guesses about that which i cannot know, time and  again... the entire time thinking about the reader and the explanations that i might have to add. and then keeping the integrity of the text, the language, the style...
and then it's over. it's like a child you raised and its time to release it into the world. you've done what you've done, and its time to say farewell. these experiences stay with you...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

its been almost four years. the tree has grown.
i still play tennis in the same place, but many other things have changed. i won't get into that now. i just wanted to break the ice.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

dealing with competition

somewhere along the way i realized that i don't handle competition well. unless i'm my own competition. and that's a handful already.
so along the way i chose not to engage in competition. i compete against myself, and i get incredible pleasure from beating myself. i've biked mountains, crossed seas, ran til everyone went home, created, grown, shared, loved...
always without engaging in competition. i just don't do well. i guess i don't have the drive to defeat another. i have to fundamentally change my game just to try to try to win a set in tennis. and i don't like it. it's not my game.
and it's all great. well most of it.
you see, i don't fear (the) competition because i know who i am, why i do what i do, and how much (and in what way) i care about it. caring... is the problem.
competition kills me. i get half way through the set balanced with the opposition. then i just don't deliver the fatal blow. and then when i care to much to win - i blow it. i don't deliver the blow - i just blow it. i just don't handle competition.
but on my own - i kick (my own) ass! :) least i know what the problem is. that's the beginning.
oh, yeah - this is the case when were even. mess with me on my turf, with my thing - and you'll get the opportunity for a slap with the gauntlet. and then you get to ride the catapult to the moon!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Zgrabi priliku

Prokleto zgrabi priliku kad je pred tobom. Uhvatis je sa obe ruke, scepas jako, kad si vec bio zeljan/zeljna. Isisas sve sto zivot pruza. Budes hrabar/hrabra, mudara/mudra, odlucan/odlucna. Prilike se ne javljaju svaki dan, i potpuno je glupo zaliti (ja znam). I onda napravis nesto od toga. Nesto super, ono sto si zeleo/zelela, ono sto si sanjao/sanjala, ides dalje, dalje ima mnogo dobrih stvari, prokleta buducnost, ona sto je sam/a krojis. Nema bre nista da ti stane na put a da je ne razbijes, jel ti to mozes, a i znas da zelis (ma koliko se skrivao/skrivala iza neodlucnosti). To je sve sranje. Nije da imamo malo vremena na ovom svetu nego ga trosimo na gluposti. A kad stanes, kad bas stanes, i kad bas razmislis, znas koje su stvari koje su prave, koje su ti, koje su uvek bile ti, samo si bio/bila kukavica da se sa njima suocis. Ali kad ti se otvore oci, kad ti sine, onda ti to ostane. I tada su planine brdasca, mora su bare, i sve mozes da prevazidjes, jer si progledao/progledala. I tad pocinjes da zivis. Tad se desavaju prave stvari. Sve je ostalo papazjanija. A papazjanija je sranje. I sta sad sedis??? Uradi nesto! Uradi odmah. Ne cekaj da prodje ni ovaj trenutak! Koji ces kurac posle da razmislis. Zivot. Sad! Uradi to, impulsivno! Oseti vetar pozitivne neizvesnosti u kosii! Da, da. Tebi govodim. I znas sta treba da uradis, nemoj da se foliras. Mislim, foliraj se u formi, ali nemoj da se poigravas sa sustinom!
...jebo te koncert.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


It started raining - she's probably around the corner...
I've gone swimming - she's probably around the corner...
The sun is shining - she's probably around the corner...
A car has stopped - she's probably around the corner...
I'm at the store - she's probably around the corner...
There's a light on the horizon- she's probably around the corner...
I'm in the bathroom - she's probably around the corner...
That song is playing - she's probably around the corner...
I'm deep in my work - she's probably around the corner...
I'm not doing anything - she's probably around the corner...
I've given up hope - she's probably around the corner...
I'm writing this - she's probably around the corner...
I'm posting this - she's probably around the corner...

...She's not. I don't even know that she is coming.