Saturday, July 7, 2007

natural vs. not...

natural is what we are. regardless of all the technology and pollution, we are still 60% water, and the rest is proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and a crucial pinch of nucleic acids. we are biologically as much part of nature as any other being on the planet – but as a society we tend to mess things up.
so i’ve asked myself so many times – if i tend to live as a biological natural being, should i resist the urge to try and play with my photos? should i take additional advantage of the digital format (the primary advantages being the low price-per-image and small physical size)?

and then since i don’t recognize edited pictures as being part of my work, i find myself with a picture in hand (the result of overexposure) that i don’t know what to do with. so i place it here, where i can raise the question unmistakably – how far should we allow ourselves to go in distorting nature?

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